Natural Anxiety Supplement Remedy

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Changing your lifestyle can be a powerful way to help transform your anxious mind, and bring you back to a constant state of calm and relaxation. It's the simplest way to start if you suffer from mild to moderate anxiety. However, if you are experiencing high levels of anxiety every day, we suggest you visit your physician to get the best mode of treatment.

Some simple lifestyle changes you can improve are:


Studies show that exercise is the best place to begin. Researchers have found that time and time again, exercise is a very potent and powerful tool to help support your mood and reduce stress.

Exercise stimulates your body to produce serotonin and endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that are responsible for feeling happy and calm. There are also other benefits of exercise that aren't just physiological. People say they experience higher levels of self confidence, a sense of empowerment and notice an improvement in their social connections. These are all key in someone dealing with anxiety.


Your brain requires a constant state of nutrients from food to function properly. Consuming poor foods is like putting old gasoline in your new car. It’s just simply not going to run right. You want to make sure you're eating a balanced nutritious diet for the best state of mind!

Fill your plate with fresh vegetables, lean meats and whole grains for the best chance of feeling great.

Try and consume foods that are beneficial to your gut like low fat yogurt, kimchi, pickles, or anything pickled. These foods create beneficial bacteria in your stomach which have been found by researchers to be beneficial for your mind.

Try to get rid of all sweetened beverages. An interesting study found that people who drink 4 or more cups of soda a day are 30% more likely to be depressed and anxious than people who did not drink soda. The same study showed people who consumed coffee black without sweeteners reported less depression and anxiety than non coffee drinkers.

Go decaf. Caffeine is a great boost in the morning to get your day started, but can be a trigger for anxiety in some people. If you regularly consume caffeine, pull back gradually so you don't have negative withdrawal symptoms.

Stop drinking alcohol

Depressed and anxious people have more issues with alcohol than people without anxiety and depression. It can be used to ‘self medicate’. You may feel better while you are consuming it, but you feel much worse after due to the way it reacts with neurochemicals in your brain.

Sleep well

Sleep may be one of the most important things for your health in general. I’m sure you have noticed when you sleep less, your anxiety gets much worse, and you feel terrible. We need sleep to rebalance the chemicals in our brain and feel ready for the day. Try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep a day, and turn off electronics at least 2-3 hours before bed. The blue lights can trick your brain into thinking it's daytime, and further keeps you awake.

Anxiety can be extremely frustrating, but it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom. Utilizing even just a few of these tips can help you get back on track, and feeling like your old self again!